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- Note for Amiga users:
- Please download and install the ixemul environment, available on Aminet
- under the name 'ixenv.lha'. It makes easier to install and increase
- compatibility with programs that use ixemul.library.
- Email me if you have problems: fr3dy@retemail.es
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is release 0.6.1 of Normalize, a wave file volume normalizer.
- Copyright (C) 1999--2001, Chris Vaill <cvaill@cs.columbia.edu>
- Normalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of
- wave files to a standard level. This is useful for things like
- creating mixed CD's and mp3 collections, where different recording
- levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from
- song to song.
- To build, just run:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- See the file INSTALL for more extensive directions.
- See the man page, normalize.1, for usage.
- Send bug reports, suggestions, comments to cvaill@cs.columbia.edu.
- normalize is free software. See the file COPYING for copying conditions.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 What platforms does this work on?
- I've tested normalize on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD on x86 and
- Solaris on sparc. I've heard that it works on GNU/Linux
- on alpha and on BeOS R5. As far as Windows is concerned,
- you may be able to compile it using the cygwin toolkit
- (see http://www.cygwin.com/), but I don't know.
- I've tried to make the code as portable as possible, so
- I'd appreciate hearing whether normalize works on other
- platforms.
- 2 What is this useful for?
- Let's say you've got a bunch of wav files containing what
- are, in your estimation, Elvis's greatest hits, collected
- from various albums. You want to encode them as mp3's and
- add them to an established collection, but since they're
- all from different albums, they're all recorded at differ
- ent volumes from each other and from the rest of your mp3
- collection. If you've been using normalize on all your
- wav files before you encode them, your collection is nor
- malized to the default volume level, and you want these
- new additions to be at the same level. Just run normalize
- with no options on the files, and each will be adjusted to
- the proper volume level:
- normalize "Hound Dog.wav" "Blue Suede Shoes.wav" \
- "Here Comes Santa Claus.wav" ...
- Suppose now you've just extracted all the wav files from
- the Gorilla Biscuits album "Start Today," which, you may
- know, is recorded at a particularly low volume. We want
- to make the whole album louder, but individual tracks
- should stay at the same volume relative to each other.
- For this we use batch mode. Say the files are named
- 01.wav to 14.wav, and are in the current directory. We
- invoke normalize in batch mode to preserve the relative
- volumes, but otherwise, everything's the default:
- normalize -b *.wav
- You can then fire up your mp3 encoder, and the whole album
- will be uniformly louder.
- Now suppose we want to encode the Converge album "When
- Forever Comes Crashing." This album has one song, "Ten
- Cents," that is really quiet while the rest of the songs
- have about the same (loud) volume. We'll turn up the ver
- bosity so we can see what's going on:
- > normalize -bv *.wav
- Computing levels...
- Level for track01.cdda.wav: -9.3980dBFS (0.0000dBFS peak)
- Level for track02.cdda.wav: -9.2464dBFS (-0.1538dBFS peak)
- Level for track03.cdda.wav: -8.6308dBFS (-0.2520dBFS peak)
- Level for track04.cdda.wav: -8.7390dBFS (0.0000dBFS peak)
- Level for track05.cdda.wav: -8.1000dBFS (-0.0003dBFS peak)
- Level for track06.cdda.wav: -8.2215dBFS (-0.1754dBFS peak)
- Level for track07.cdda.wav: -8.9346dBFS (-0.1765dBFS peak)
- Level for track08.cdda.wav: -13.6175dBFS (-0.4552dBFS peak)
- Level for track09.cdda.wav: -9.0107dBFS (-0.1778dBFS peak)
- Level for track10.cdda.wav: -8.1824dBFS (-0.4519dBFS peak)
- Level for track11.cdda.wav: -8.5700dBFS (-0.1778dBFS peak)
- Standard deviation is 1.47 dB
- Throwing out level of -13.6175dBFS (different by 4.58dB)
- Average level: -8.6929dBFS
- Applying adjustment of -3.35dB...
- The volume of "Ten Cents," which is track 8, is 4.58 deci
- bels off the average, which, given a standard deviation of
- 1.47 decibels, makes it a statistical aberration (which
- I've defined as anything off by more that twice the stan
- dard deviation, but you can set a constant decibel thresh
- old with the -t option). Therefore, it isn't counted in
- the average, and the adjustment applied to the album isn't
- thrown off because of one song. Although the aberrant
- song's volume is not counted in the average, it is
- adjusted along with the rest of the files.
- Finally, say you want to make a mixed CD of 80's songs for
- your mom or something. You won't allow any 80's songs to
- taint your hallowed mp3 collection, so the absolute vol
- umes of these tracks don't matter, as long as they're all
- about the same, so mom doesn't have to keep adjusting the
- volume. For this, use the mix mode option,
- normalize -m *.wav
- and each track will be adjusted to the average level of
- all the tracks.
- 3 How does it work?
- This is just a little background on how normalize computes
- the volume of a wav file, in case you want to know just
- how your files are being munged.
- The volumes calculated are RMS amplitudes, which corre
- spond (roughly) to perceived volume. Taking the RMS
- amplitude of an entire file would not give us quite the
- measure we want, though, because a quiet song punctuated
- by short loud parts would average out to a quiet song, and
- the adjustment we would compute would make the loud parts
- excessively loud.
- What we want is to consider the maximum volume of the
- file, and normalize according to that. We break up the
- signal into 100 chunks per second, and get the signal
- power of each chunk, in order to get an estimation of
- "instantaneous power" over time. This "instantaneous
- power" signal varies too much to get a good measure of the
- original signal's maximum sustained power, so we run a
- smoothing algorithm over the power signal (specifically, a
- mean filter with a window width of 100 elements). The
- maximum point of the smoothed power signal turns out to be
- a good measure of the maximum sustained power of the file.
- We can then take the square root of the power to get maxi
- mum sustained RMS amplitude.
- As for the default target amplitude of 0.25 (-12dBFS),
- I've found that it's pretty close to the level of most of
- my albums already, but not so high as to cause a lot of
- limiting on quieter albums. You may want to choose a dif
- ferent target amplitude, depending on your music collec
- tion (just make sure you normalize everything to the same
- amplitude if you want it to all be the same volume!).
- Regarding clipping: since version 0.6, a limiter is
- employed to eliminate clipping. The limiter is on by
- default; you don't have to do anything to use it. The 0.5
- series had a -c option to turn on limiting, but that lim
- iter caused problems with inexact volume adjustment. The
- new limiter doesn't have this problem, and the -c option
- is considered deprecated (it will be removed in version
- 1.0).
- Please note that I'm not a recording engineer or an elec
- trical engineer, so my signal processing theory may be
- off. I'd be glad to hear from any signal processing wiz
- ards if I've made faulty assumptions regarding signal
- power, perceived volume, or any of that fun signal theory
- stuff.
- 4 Why don't you normalize using peak levels instead of RMS amplitude?
- Well, in early (unreleased) versions, this is how it
- worked. I found that this just didn't work well. The vol
- ume that your ear hears corresponds more closely with
- average RMS amplitude level than with peak level. There
- fore, making the RMS amplitude of two files equal makes
- their perceived volume equal. (Approximately equal, any
- way: certain frequencies sound louder at the same ampli
- tude because the ear is just more sensitive to those fre
- quencies. I may try to take this into account in a future
- version, but that opens up a whole new can of worms.)
- "Normalizing" by peak level generally makes files with
- small dynamic range very loud and does nothing to files
- with large dynamic ranges. There's not really any normal
- ization being done, it's more of a histogram expansion.
- That said, since version 0.5, you can use the --peak
- option to do this in normalize.
- 5 Can you make normalize operate directly on mp3 files?
- The short answer is maybe -- I'm looking into it.
- MPEG layer III audio files store audio data as Huffman-
- coded frequency components. Theoretically, frequency com
- ponents can be analyzed and adjusted just as easily as
- time-domain samples (such as the PCM samples in a WAV
- file). However, because the samples are Huffman-coded, it
- is likely that decoding the samples, adjusting them, and
- re-encoding them will cause them to take more or less bits
- than before. This is a problem, since MPEG audio files
- have a set bitrate. Layer III files have a bit reservoir
- mechanism that could absorb some of the changes, but
- essentially there's no guarantee that adjusted audio data
- will still fit in the MP3 file. The process of getting
- the data to fit in the given bitrate is basically the same
- as the encoding process. That is, it's hard.
- A simpler task, which normalize may be able to do soon, is
- to analyze an MP3 file, and set its volume adjustment ID3
- tag instead of actually adjusting the audio data. The
- only problem with this method is that I don't know of any
- MP3 players that honor this tag.
- The current situation is that to normalize an mp3 file,
- you can decode it to WAV, normalize the WAV, and re-encode
- it, but you incur the encoding loss a second time. If you
- don't mind the loss, you can do just this with the
- "normalize-mp3" script that is included in the distribution.